2021 Term 2 June 25
From the Principal's Desk...
Prep/1 Class
2/3 Class
4/5/6 Class
Running Club
Music News!
Library News!
Reading Awards
Week 9 Awards
Principal's Award
Our new School Captain
P&C News...
Chappy Caitlin's Update...
Uniform Shop
Retirement - Mr John Anderson
School Opinion Survey
School Tuckshop
Playgroup News...
Cleaning Position
From the Principal's Desk...
Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s hard to believe the final newsletter for the term is already upon us! We have had a brilliant week at school to finish off the term, with the Under 8’s day on Wednesday and everyone ready for the Lap-A-Thon today, only for the rain to postpone proceedings until next term! Thank you again to everyone involved in organising these events.
With assessment and reporting wrapping up for another semester, report cards were dispatched today with students under strict instructions not open their envelopes until at home with their parents/carers. Hopefully, they all will make it through to allow you to share your child’s (or children’s) results together. If you would like an electronic version of your child’s report, please call the office to organise.
I would like to again express my congratulations to Shaela Whitaker, for not only being invested as a school leader, but as successfully filling the vacant female position of school captain. Shaela participated in our new leadership application process, which included a written application, speech to the whole school, and a vote by both staff and students. With an excellent behaviour record, a positive attitude to learning and a firm commitment to our school values, I am confident that Shaela will be an outstanding ambassador for our school. Well done Shaela!
Later in the newsletter, you will find some information about our recent Year 6 leaders excursion to Luther Heights with Chappy Caitlin. Thank you to Chappy for organising this unique opportunity for our Year 6 students.
Last Sunday, from a very early start, a dedicated team of parent volunteers took to the barbeque at Bunnings Gympie under the watchful eye of our wonderful P&C President, Rachael Howard. Working hard for most of the day, our volunteers cooked and served nearly 500 sausages in bread and nearly sold out of most things up for sale. Again, a huge thank you to the volunteers in attendance on Sunday, and your investment in the students of our lovely school.
I would like to officially welcome Mr George Cottom to our school. George has commenced working as a teacher aide and can be seen busily helping students with their reading every morning. George has also stepped up to help out in the school tuckshop, which I am sure, will delight our students!
Commencing in Term 3, all classroom teachers will be sending a term overview home to parents. This overview will be designed to inform parents of what their child/children will be learning and importantly, being assessed on for the term. Also, in Term 3, teachers will be holding Parent/Teacher interviews. At this stage, it is envisaged that the interviews will occur in Week 3, with confirmation promulgated early next term.
This will be the last edition of our school newsletter in the current format. Commencing next term, our fortnightly school newsletter will be transferring to the ‘Schoolzine’ online platform. This eNewsletter will provide more opportunities to better connect with parents and the community. I have attached an information notice later in this edition.
It is with much sadness that I accepted Mr John Anderson’s letter of resignation this week. John has been at our school for quite some time and has done an outstanding job in his role as both cleaner and gardener. John has decided it is time to put down his tools and enjoy retirement, with travelling around Australia first on his bucket list! We all wish John every success in retirement and happy travels!
With Mrs Karen Munro also having departed our school for Victoria, and the upcoming retirement of John Anderson, you will find later in the newsletter an advertisement for a permanent cleaning position at our school. If you are considering applying, please contact the school office for an application package and ensure you follow the instructions carefully to maximise your chances of success.
One other staff change is also happening next term…our Japanese teacher, Mrs Atanassoff, has been transferred to work at some other Gympie region schools. We thank Natascha for her time and efforts while at our school. Replacing Mrs Atanassoff is Mrs Kate Smith. We welcome Mrs Smith and hope she enjoys working at both Amamoor and Kandanga State Schools as the Japanese teacher.
It is with some alarm that I continue to see children crossing our car-parking area to access parent’s cars. I would request that all parents/caregivers please collect your children from the school gates. Our car park, unfortunately, has many blind spots, and with children often in a rush, an accident could happen at any instant. I appreciate your assistance and understanding in our efforts to keep all children safe.
While the wearing of our school uniform has improved markedly, I would like to again request that you ensure your child/children do not wear brightly covered jumpers or jackets to school. We continue to have second hand jumpers for sale (gold coin donation) in the uniform shop if your child has misplaced theirs.
Our behaviour focus: ’Keep hands and feet to yourself and play safely’ has continued into this last fortnight of the term, in order to ensure all students are adhering to this important rule. With school camp around the corner, as well as junior school excursions, it is imperative that all students are being self-managed at all times.
On a happy note, I am pleased to advise that George is intending to start our tuckshop in Week 2 of next term. Tuckshop will operate every Friday, with food purchased via a ‘pre-order’ system. The menu will be sent out to parents early in Term 3, with instructions on how to order and pricing. Orders will be required to be placed no later than Thursday, with no late orders accepted after this time.
Finally, early in Term 3, the School Opinion Survey will be emailed to parents. This is an important opportunity to let the school know about how we can continue to improve. More information about the survey can be found later in the newsletter.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy break and I look forward to seeing you all back in Term 3. During the school break, please keep an eye out, and if you should see anything that looks suspicious happening around the school, please phone SchoolWatch on 131788.
If you should need to get in touch with me for any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school office, or via email on principal@amamoorss.eq.edu.au.
Kind regards,
Tony Benzie
Prep/1 Class
2/3 Class
4/5/6 Class
Alexia Broome
Tomorrow marks the last day of Term 2, and the Year 4-5-6 class are looking forward to seeing how many loops of the oval they can do during the school Lap-a-thon. We have been practising each morning for 15 minutes, and the average number of laps completed in that time frame is increasingly steadily. We will continue with our morning laps next term, to add to our weekly PE time, and provide an opportunity for all students to be adequately prepared for Mary Valley Sports. Please remind your child that they will need to be wearing running shoes daily.
Year 6 students will be selling ice blocks after Lap-a-thon tomorrow Friday 25th June. Ice blocks are $1, and profits go to the Year 6 Graduation.
Enjoy some photos of the Year 5 & 6 cohort working on their animal sculptures as their final assessment piece in Visual Arts this term. They have learned a lot about clay techniques including scoring, using slip, joining and building a variety of shapes from pinch pots.
Running Club
Tuesdays 8:00am – 8:30am
Cross-country training continues in Term 3 for all interested students from Years 2-6, meeting at the big tree near the school oval. As the track can be damp and muddy, running in casual clothes and sneakers is recommended. Bring school uniform and dry shoes to change into. Breakfast club is available afterwards.
Music News!
We have had a great time in music this term.
Students in the P/1 class have been learning different rhythms and have enjoyed making these with pop sticks as well as playing them on drums.
Our 2/3 students have been enjoying the African percussion instruments and creating their own pop stick patterns.
The year 4/5/6 class have been playing rhythm games and learning all about world music, focussing on sea shanties. They have created their own “mash-up” piece of music and enjoyed body percussion activities in groups.
We are looking forward to starting our drama unit after the holidays.
Library News!
Reading Awards
Week 9 Awards
Principal's Award
Our new School Captain
P&C News...
News from the P&C…
- The P&C meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 3:15pm in the school Music room.
- Everyone is welcome.
- Come and support other parents and staff to make Amamoor State School a great learning environment for all students.
- Bring your ideas and your positive energy and help us make our centenary year brilliant!
- Next meeting, Wednesday, 21 July
Office Bearers… Name Phone Email
President Miss Rachael Howard 0409 833 500 tedybear1976@hotmail.com
Vice President Mrs Diane Cleary 0468494029 dianecleary84@gmail.com
Treasurer Vacant
Asst Treasurer Mrs Claire Gurnett
Secretary Miss Alexia Broome 54011333 admin@amamoorss.eq.edu.au
News from the President…
- Hasn’t the time flown by as another term is over and half the year already gone.
- On Sunday 20 June we had a sizzling good time at Gympie Bunnings. Thanks to Anna, Cherie, Matt, Miyuki, Yana, Tony, and Stephan for the fantastic job you did. We raised just over $700 that will go towards either school camp or excursions.
- The Pie Drive orders have been flowing in this week, thank you. There looks to be some yummy easy meals ahead next term after they are delivered first week back at school.
- A fun way to end the term is by coming in free dress and spending some time outdoors completing laps of the oval by maybe running, skipping, or even walking. The P&C will be providing a sausage sizzle afterwards.
- Next term we have been given the opportunity to put up tents out at the Muster. This will be from Saturday 21 August through to Thursday 26 August, all be Muster weekend. For every 8hrs of tent making and a $5 donation you can receive a day ticket. Let me know if you think you will be able to help as we need to inform Muster of the volunteer numbers and tickets required by July 31.
- Pie Drive Pick Up – 15 July
Pick up your delicious pies that you have ordered.
- Lapathon Money
Sponsorship money to be placed into red mailbox in the office.
- Muster Numbers – 31 July
Numbers to be given to Muster regarding tent making.
- Muster Tents – 21 – 26 July
Putting up the tents around the Muster site.
- Muster – 26 – 29 August
Volunteers from putting up tents can enjoy the muster.
Chappy Caitlin's Update...
Hi everybody,
It has been wonderful to spend this term working with our wonderful students and supporting them in the playground and in class. One of the highlights of my term was taking out year 6 students down to Luther Heights Youth Camp in Coolum for a leadership day with students from Kandanga. Our students had a fantastic day doing some team building activities including getting the entire group across a swinging bridge which was above a dam. They completed this, and all the other team activities, with great success and represented the school very well.
They also completed a Mohawk Walk, which is where every student had to stay connected to another whilst they made their way through a low ropes course. This was a challenging activity and our students show great perseverance and resilience as they completed it. I was so proud of all our Year 6 students and the leadership skills they showed on the day.
I hope that the holidays will bring relaxation and rest and I cannot wait to see you all in Term 3. Remember, if you would like to talk with me, or your child to speak with me, please contact the office and they will arrange a time for that to happen.
Have a great holiday.
Chappy Caitlin
Uniform Shop
As we head into the colder seasons, a reminder that our uniform policy is blue jumpers and tracksuit pants. These are available for purchase from the uniform shop, either in person on Monday’s and Wednesday’s, via the Qkr app, or order forms which are in the office and can be placed in the black letter box outside the uniform shop.
We also have lots of second-hand uniforms which are available for a gold coin donation. If you have any questions about uniforms please do not hesitate to see me on Mondays or Wednesdays at school or send me a message on 0415 822 599.
Uniform shop opening days Mondays and Wednesdays.
Chappy Caitlin
Uniform Co-ordinator
Retirement - Mr John Anderson
Q1. How long have you worked at Amamoor State School?
5 ½ years approximately.
Q2. Could you tell us what you do here?
I had two roles, one as a cleaner and as a casual groundsman.
Q3. What is your favourite part of working at our school?
Working with the friendly staff at the school and seeing the happy faces of the students.
Making friendships along the way.
Q4. Your family has had lots to do with our school. Could you tell us more about that?
All my children attended the school at one stage from 1986. My wife was a teacher aide for
27 years.
Q5. What is your favourite memory of the school?
I have lots of memories, but mainly, the friendships with staff and past principals.
By Bella and Kyra
School Opinion Survey
The annual suite of School Opinion Surveys will be conducted in Term 3 and will close on 30 July 2021. All families, school staff and students in target year levels (5 and 6) will be invited to participate. We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say about what our school does well, and how we can improve.
An invitation to complete the Parent/Caregiver Survey will be emailed to one parent/caregiver per family in the week beginning 5 July. The invitation will be sent from the Department of Education, not the school, and it will have the subject line School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2021. Check your junk email folders if you can’t find it. The survey can be completed as soon as the invitation is received and will take approximately 5 minutes using a computer, tablet or smart phone.
Parents/caregivers who do not have access to the internet at home are welcome to complete their survey online at the school. School computers/tablets will be available.
School Tuckshop
Our school tuckshop will commence trading as of Week 2, Term 3.
Menus and order forms will be sent out in Week 1
Orders and payments will be due on Thursdays
Tuckshop open every Friday!
Playgroup News...
Our Playgroup will be operating on Tuesday mornings, from 9 – 11am, throughout the year.
Bring your little one along for a morning full of fun!
We hope to see you there!
Cleaning Position
Amamoor State School
2 Elizabeth Street AMAMOOR QLD 4570
Phone: (07) 5401 1333
Email: admin@amamoorss.eq.edu.au
Website: www.amamoorss.eq.edu.au
Applications are now being sought for the permanent position of cleaner at Amamoor State School.
Details of the position are as follows:
- Permanent vacancy of 14.5 hours per week
- Hours worked over five mornings per week as a single shift
- ADO arrangements to be negotiated between the school and successful applicant
- Wage rate paid in accordance with the Department of Education Cleaners’ Certified Agreement
- Applicants will be required to address, in writing, the points identified under ‘How you will be assessed’ section in the Role Description (in application package)
- For an application package, please contact the school office (email preferable)
- Contact Officer: Tony Benzie (for contact details, see above)
- Closing Date: Friday, 9 July 2021
Please note the following:
- To be eligible for permanent employment, the successful applicant must be an Australian or NZ citizen or alternatively, hold a permanent residency visa.
- This application process will remain valid for a 12 month period from closure of the advertisement. Where approval has been obtained from the School Facilities Operation Team, the order of merit list may be used to appoint to identical roles that arise during the 12 month period. An identical role means the subsequent position is identical to what was previously advertised.
- The successful applicant will be subject to a working with children check, a criminal history check and a probationary period.
- Documentary evidence of Australian birth certificate, Australian Citizenship Certificate or evidence of permanent Australian residency is required for this position.