Newsletter 2022 Term 1 Week 7
From the Principal's Desk
Following the recent inclement weather events, I hope that each of you sustained little to no damage to your properties and are looking forward to some drier and cooler weather as we move toward the Easter period. Fortunately, the school escaped relatively undamaged, except for the impact of livestock on our Playgroup grounds, which were extensively impacted. The repair to this area will take time and will require funds from other areas to be redirected. Playgroup will still be able to continue running and I thank Hanna for being so adaptable. While we always stand to offer assistance to the community, consultation and consideration are always appreciated.
Last Monday, our P&C annual general meeting was held at the school. Thank you to all of you who turned up to support our school. With new office-bearers elected, I would personally like to express my gratitude to everyone who has served on the P&C during the last year. Your service to our community is critical and appreciated by all. Congratulations is also extended to our newly elected personnel...You will find more details regarding the composition of the P&C later in the newsletter.
Our swimming programme for Term 1 has also, unfortunately, been severely impacted by the recent floods. At this stage, Kandanga Pool will be inoperable for at least the next two weeks, with our programme postponed. It is our intention that the remaining lessons will be carried over until Term 4, with all monies paid covering this later programme. We are also in negotiation with Surf Lifesaving Queensland to have a surf skills programme during the latter stages of Term 4 at Noosa Main Beach. The P&C have also expressed that they would be willing to support this programme financially. More information later.
Preparations for the National Assessment Programme - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) have also commenced, with students in Years 3 and 5 to sit this annual suite of examinations during early May. Students will be assessed in Writing, Reading, Mathematics and Conventions of Language (Grammar and Spelling). These tests are designed to gauge development in each of these curriculum areas and provide meaningful feedback to our community. The majority of these tests will be completed 'on-line' with results sent to both the school and parents later in the year.
Please note that the events calendar (left hand side of your screen) is visible to customers when using a portable device (such as a phone) to view the newsletter. However, you may need to use the drop down option at the top left side of the front page. Remember, if you are having trouble downloading or accessing the Newsletter, please advise the School Office and a paper copy can be provided.
Last Wednesday, two students from Amamoor represented our school at District Trials. While Savanah only just missed out on being selected for Netball, Francesca was successful in being selected for football (soccer). She will head off to Hervey Bay to compete at the regional competitions soon. Congratulations to both girls.
The Year 6 Leadership Camp will be held in Week 9, 23 - 25 March, at the Barambah Environmental Education Centre. This camp will see our Year 6 students orienteering, completing leadership challenges and learning to work as a team. Staff attending this camp will be Ms Broome, Chappy Caitlin and myself.
While the recent times have had an affect on schools, we are working hard here as a staff to ensure that your children maximise their learning time while on campus. Excellent behaviour makes this effort so much easier, and we are fortunate to have such well-behaved children at Amamoor. To assist us, please ensure your child does their home reading (and have logs signed) daily, as well as any other tasks sent home by teachers. It continues to be wonderful to see engaged students, especially in extra programmes such as Instrumental Music, Kitchen/Garden and Coding.
I would like to officially welcome Mrs Amanda Tombs to our staff as a Teacher Aide. While Mrs Tombs does already work here as a cleaner, we are delighted to be able to offer her some time at Amamoor SS in another capacity for one day per week.
A quick reminder from George that Tuckshop is on every Tuesday. Orders are via Qkr or the mail box in the School's Office. On the menu are sausage rolls, ham and cheese toasties, ham and pineapple pizza, poppers and fruit cups. Orders need to be in by Monday afternoons. Thank you.
Finally, I was recently asked to supply some information to members of our community regarding flood relief that is available. Clothes, toys, cleaning products and a range of foodstuffs has kindly been donated from the FNQ, NQ and CQ communities following the recent floods. If you need any assistance, please contact Bec on 0466 251 123, or visit (The little white church) 735 Mary Valley Road, Long Flat, between 7am and 5pm daily. No appointment necessary.
Take care and kind regards,
Tony Benzie
P & C News
A new P&C year has begun with the AGM being held on Monday 7th. I would like to thank the outgoing committee members, Diane Cleary (Vice President), Claire Gurnett (Assistant Treasurer) and Caitlin Harch (Uniform Co-Ordinator) for their work and support over the past year.
The new committee voted in are:
President: Rachael Howard
Vice President: Neil Gurnett
Secretary: currently vacant
Treasurer: Shirley Robson
Uniform Coordinator: Brydie Weston & Hanna Robinson
Tuck-shop Coordinator: currently vacant
Congratulations and welcome to the new and returning committee members, I am looking forward to working with you all, both the committee and the school community, to help the school provide the best opportunities for our Amamoor students.
We currently still have souvenirs for sale from our Centenary celebration last year. There are Enamel Mugs, China Mugs and Pens still available via either Qkr or by contacting Diane Cleary on 0468 494 029.
Our first Bunnings Sausage Sizzle will be held on Sunday 27th March. Feel free to come on over to Bunnings Gympie to help the school by having a snag.
It seems hard to believe that the end of term one is not that far away, and the Easter holidays will soon be upon us. To kick off the school holidays we will be having an Easter Egg Hunt on the last day of school from 3:15. It is open to all our school families, so younger siblings can also attend the hunt. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Brekky Club
Brekky Club is free to all students and provides them with healthy breakfast options on Monday mornings 8:30 – 8:45. Food options on most Mondays are fruit, toast and crumpets with sometimes the added bonus of raisin toast, veggie slice or pikelets.
Brekky Club is currently funded by the YMCA Breakfast program. Rachael Howard and the Year 6 students have been volunteering their time to provide this service.
If you would like to volunteer to help out with this programme, please contact either Rachael Howard or the School Office. Alternatively, just turn up between 8:15 and 8:45 Monday mornings. If there are enough volunteers, a roster can be created to ensure everyone’s voluntary time is worthwhile.
Student Council
As of next week, the Student Council is excited to announce that it will be selling ice blocks after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are also hoping to hold a free dress day in Week 10 to raise money for flood victims in Gympie and will provide more information closer to the date.
I hope you have a great week,
Chappy Caitlin
Library News
4/5/6 Class
English Focus:
The Year 5 cohort are preparing for their final written assessment piece in English – a first chapter of a fantasy novel with ‘good’ and ‘evil’ characters. As part of building a descriptive setting for the events of the novel to take place in, the Year 5 students created detailed and colourful maps of their fantasy land. The photos below show their fantasy maps in progress.
2/3 Class
Prep/1 Class
Writer's Club
Here's some of this week's efforts from our senior writers...!
Crunch crunch. My long feet land on the wet leaves. I worriedly step into the pitch black, cold cave. I can see green, soft moss on the dark walls. I can hear a dreadful dripping noise coming from ahead. I step one foot closer with my hands shaking and cannot believe my eyes!
We were about to step into the cave when we heard a spooky scratching sound. I told my friend, “It’s probably nothing.” Then we gathered all our bravery and stepped into the cave. As we tiptoed through the pitch-black cave, the scratching sound got louder and louder, until it was as loud as thunder!
As I was running through the dark, misty forest I found a cave. It had moist, green moss that was as slippery as a wet slide. As I nervously tip toed in I felt little drops of ice-cold water land on my arms. That’s when I started to get goose bumps. It was freezing!
As I walked quietly in to the big, dark cave I saw pretty crystals and small waterfalls, a small river chuckling and moss all over the walls. It was cold, but a little lake had steam rising like a hot tub.
I was shivering as I slowly crept into the deep, dark, forest cave. Click. Oh no, my torch has run out of batteries! How am I supposed to see in the dark? I was rummaging through my backpack, looking for a spare battery, as goose bumps appeared on my arms and legs. “Yes! I finally found it!” I shouted excitedly. That was a bad idea. The whole cave started rumbling.
Chappy's Corner
Hi Everyone,
Wow! What a crazy couple of weeks? Who knew it could rain so much, and yet keep raining?!
However, it is so awesome to see everyone finally back at school, safe and sound, after a tumultuous couple of weeks. We are so close to the end of the term and I am excited for the rest of this term and what next term has to offer.
In a couple of weeks, I’m heading off with the year 6’s on their leadership camp and that will be an awesome time of team building and equipping them with the skills needed to be great leaders. We also have our investiture parade for the new school leaders, and Easter isn’t that far away.
I can’t wait to see you around the school,
Chappy Caitlin
Latest Covid_19 Announcements...
- Masks are no longer be required indoors, except in hospitals, residential aged care, disability accommodation, prisons, public transport, taxis and rideshare, airports and on planes.
- Masks are no longer be required in schools, including for staff, students and visitors.
- Masks are still be recommended whenever you can’t social distance.
- There is no limit on the number of visitors you can have in your home at one time.
- Venues and events no longer have capacity limits.