2023 Term 2 Week 8
Principal's Report
Welcome to the Week 8 edition of our School Newsletter. The last two weeks have certainly seen a lot of activity around the school. Work has finally commenced on the long-awaited repair of the tennis court surface. This work includes the removal of the former surface, bank adjustments, new drainage, fence repairs, tree root removal and relaying of the synthetic grass. The time required to complete the work will be approximately one month, so hopefully, ready for Term 3 (fingers crossed!).
Our school has recently been successful in winning a grant for an upgrade to our school garden area. This work will include the removal of the old beds (and watering system) and installing six new larger beds and irrigation. The arrangement of the new beds will allow for easier mowing and a simplified line system for the piping. Each bed will be approximately six metres in length by one metre in width. It is hoped that work will commence at the end of Term 2. Congratulations to Mrs Tombs for successfully applying for this grant!
Speaking of grants...our school has also succcessfully won a sporting grant. This money will be used to install our new volleyball court, as well as purchasing extra equipment for both PE and Daily PE activities...stay tuned!
It was wonderful to see such enthusiastic competitors at our recent Mini Sports Athletics day. Students from Kandanga and Dagun joined us for a fantastic day of sporting events, with all field events also incorporated into this year's carnival. I have included a variety of photos from the day later in the newsletter to give you a snapshot of the day. Thank you to the P&C for your contribution to making the Tuckshop such as success! Well done to all involved.
Our school photo day was also held this week. With the weather being kind to us, we were able to complete all photos on the day, including a whole school photograph that we will enlarge and display in the school office.
Our Year 5 students visited Gympie this week for a familiarisation course with the University of the Sunshine Coast. This visit provided our students with the chance to think about what offerings might lie ahead as career options and to stimulate thinking. Ms Broome noted that all of the students thoroughly enjoyed their time on the course and would eagerly recommend it to other students.
As we approach Week 9 of the term, students are finalising assessment pieces and teachers are busy marking completed work. Report cards are scheduled to be finalised by Wednesday of Week 10 and sent home with students on the following day.
On Thursday of Week 10, Amamoor State School will be holding it's first Art Expo. This exhibition will be a celebration of students' art work during Semester 1. It will be set up in the 4/5/6 classroom and underneath A Block (Admin). The Expo is scheduled to commence at 2pm and run until 3pm.
Our annual Under 8s day is scheduled to be held next Tuesday, from 9:30am to 11:00am. It is looking like being a fantastic day, with the SES, Girl Guides, police, ambulance and fire departments in attendance, as well as activities such as face painting, robotics, slime making and music all happening. Look forward to seeing you there!
Pay it Forward Pantry...With the cost of living crisis increasingly prevalent across our communities, our school has commenced stocking some essential food items to help any families needing support. If you would like to donate, whether money or food items, please see Amanda or Rachael at the school office. Alternatively, if you require any short-term assistance with food supplies, or know of a family from our school who could use an extra hand, please let us know.
As always, I look forward to seeing you around the school.
Tony Benzie
2/3 Class
4/5/6 Class
Behaviour Focus
Students of the Week
Congratulations to this week's winners...
Declan, Kye, Mathew, Megan, Yarrren and Maddie!!!
Playgroup Happenings...
We had a creeply crawly kind of morning with a lovely small group including some wonderful new friends! We made colourful pom pom caterpillars on paddle pop sticks, created some shapes with our playdough and by request, we went fishing for some sea creatures.
Next week Amamoor Playgroup have been invited to join in the fun activities of Amamoor State School Under 8's morning on Tuesday the 13th June.
Look forward to seeing you all next week!
Around the School
Lunch time play in the Pine Forest...
Donation of Musical Instruments
This week, our school received a donation of various musical instruments from Deborah Ralf, a resident of the Mary Valley. Some of the interesting instruments included a Bodhr'an (Irish drum), a Balinese 'frog,' xylophone, a west African shaker, tambourine and a Thai Jaw harp.
Deborah recently met members of our school P&C at a Bunnings sausage sizzle and was so impressed with how kind and enthusiastic they were! She said that she wanted the instruments to go to a smaller school, like the one she went to as a child, to help children learn to love music even more.
By Leila and Declan.
Mini Sports Carnival
Last Wednesday, Amamoor State School hosted the Mini Sports Athletics carnival. Although there were some doubts as to the weather forecast, it turned out to be a beautiful, cloudless day, with the sun shining and clear skies.
Tennis Court repairs
Our tennis court is currently undergoing extensive repairs. Here's a few photographs to show you where we are up to...