2024 Term 2 Week 2
Principal Report
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome Back to Term 2!! Thank you for the warm welcome back to Amamoor State School. It is a privilege to be working at this school and to be able to teach such dedicated students.
Students have hit the ground running with our Cross Country being run last Thursday. The weather looked very bleak but thankfully the rain held off for the races. It was great to see the student’s sportsmanship by encouraging each other and congratulating children when they completed the circuit. Special thank you to the dedicated staff who were able to organise races and set out a track in very short notice.
Before School - If parents/carers are working, students are able to go into 5/6 room from 8:00 am to 8:20am then they will a library opens for sight words and reading. Bus students will also go to 5/6 room until advised to go to the library.
After School – Just a quick reminder - Amamoor has a fantastic Homework Centre that the school runs to assist families that are working or unable to pick their children up at 3:00pm. We have been capped at 24 students that are able access this. These numbers have been reaching the capped levels in the last week.
Students attended a special Anzac Parade at school on Wednesday this week. I was so proud of the respect and the responsible behaviour shown throughout this ceremony by all students. Special thank you to Phil Jenson as our guest speaker for sharing some memories of his past and the Year 6 for running this parade. Thankyou to the Year 6 students that practised their speech over the last week and delivered it with pride.
Kandanga Anzac Day Parade – Thank you to the Staff, Parents, Students and our local community who attended this very special event. Our senior students Kirra and Maddie represented our school with the poem, ‘Twas the dawn Christmas morning’ and Ethan and Xanthe placed the wreath next to the memorial statue.
School uniforms – The weather has decided to throw not only rain at us but also a chilly breeze. Could parents/students please make sure that they have a jumper (labelled with their name) on or in their bag. Just a reminder that short socks are also part on our Amamoor SS uniform.
If you have any questions or queries that I can help you with, please come and see me before or after school or send me an email and I will do my best to answer them for you as quick as possible.
Have a great weekend!!
Mardi Green
Acting Principal
Office Updates
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 3 pm
email: admin@amamoorss.eq.edu.au phone: 07 54 011 333.
Raw Art invoices are now due for payment. Invoices sent out end of Term 1. If you did not receive invoice, let Amanda know in the office. Payments can be made:
- BPay
- Cash (correct money no change given) $5
- Eftpos
- QKR App
Student absentee/Late arrivals/Early Pick up Procedure:
Please remember to call the school early in the morning if your child is going to be away or late for school so your child's absence can be recorded correctly.
If your child is absenct from school without explanation you will receive a SMS text message that morning to your mobile phone asking their absence. Please reply with a simple SMS answer.
If your child arrives late in the morning please let the office know to avoid a SMS text message. Please let office know if collecting early so your child is signed out for the day.
Just a reminder that uniforms can be purchased through the office Monday - Friday, 8.30 am - 2.30 pm. There is also second hand uniforms available for a gold coin donation.
Jumpers have arrived for winter. $25.00. Trackpants also available - $15.00
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Achievers of the week.
Classroom Updates
Anzac Day Service
On Wednesday 24 April, Phil Jensen, RSL member from Mary Valley, joined our special Anzac Day parade. The Year 6 students ran a very informative and well presented parade.
Library News
Chappy Chat
This term I’m engaging with some of our students through Kitchen Garden activities and learning about the different plants in our veggie patch. The students really enjoy getting involved with this activity, and it also provides opportunities to have conversations with our students.
In our upper school we continue to explore with year 5 what it means to have an attitude of gratitude and how we can do that. After finishing leadership with the years 6’s we’re now looking at how we can understand social cues - those silent signals that we all give off when we engage with people around us.
The year 4 boys are also developing an attitude of gratitude and with the year 4 girls it’s about understanding social cues. Part of this involves role playing which is always interesting to see how they convey different feelings to people around them, without using words.
I continue to support staff in the classroom, as well as engaging with students during break times and breaky club.
If you’d like to speak to me sometime please contact the school office to arrange a convenient time.