2024 Term 4 Week 8
As we are now at the end of Week 8, we still have a number of great activities and events for our students to support their learning and development. Today we would have been participating in the Mary Valley Small Schools Swimming Carnival with Dagun and Kandanga Schools but the weather had different ideas. We have rescheduled our Swimming Carnival to Thursday 28th November. New permissions forms will need to be completed.
Congratulations to our Prep Transition students, Miss Broome and Mrs Story! Over two terms the students have been attending regular sessions to build confidence, become familiar with our school environment and understand our school routines. They have the opportunity to join in with our Under 8s Day and specialist lessons. We look forward to seeing them in 2025 as ‘real’ students.
Coming up next week we have practises for our End of Year Performance, Life Education Van and our Prep – Year 3 students will be heading down to Sea Life for a Science and HASS excursion. We are looking forward to participating in the activities and enjoying lunch. Thank you to our Amamoor P&C who have funded this trip through transport, entrance fees and lunch for all students.
Week 10 is a busy one! On Monday 2nd December we will host the Annual Awards Ceremony from 9:45am where we will present our academic, citizenship and special awards to our students. We will have some special guests joining us as well. Students are required to wear school uniform for this Ceremony. Tuesday 3rd December in the evening we will showcasing our students End of Year Performance. A note regarding what students are to wear for their performance was sent home this week. Students have been asked too if they would like to present their poems with some students nominating themselves. On Thursday 5th December, the P&C will be holding a pizza fundraiser and during the evening is the Year 6 Graduation Dinner. Finally to end off a busy week, the school has organised a PBL rewards activity for Fuzzies with Circus Challenge performers coming to perform and hold a workshop with our students. Students will be required to wear school uniform for this activity.
As we head into the last three weeks of the school year it is extremely important to remain focused on teaching and learning. We are getting tired. There are many extra activities in our personal lives that are taking up extra time. The Christmas madness has begun. Forward planning into 2025 is happening too while still trying to get assessment tasks completed and report cards drafted. These are just a few of the things that can distract us from our main game of teaching and learning. Let’s remain committed to learning, working and growing together.
Student Code of Conduct restorative chats. The goal is to have restorative work which supports student growth and development. Restorative discussions are the heart and soul of this.
"What happened?" All parties should have the opportunity to explain their side without interruption.
"What were you thinking / feeling at the time?"
"Who has been affected? How has this affected you?"
"What do you think is needed to make things right?"
"What have we learned from this? What would we do differently next time?"
Ava’s Camp Recount
On Monday I left to go explore Apex Camps! It was the amazing camp, it was my first time every going to a camp but today I am going to tell you about. Wen we got there there was a girl named Laurel she told us about where our beds are going to be and the safety because there were kangaroos. The whole camp had to stay at least a metre away then was a kid joey it was so cute and there was all so one more family all the same. My favourite activity was the stand up paddle boarding. My paddle board had white strips on and blue. Jakob laid on the board and showed us how to get up but wen I got on my puddle board I got up slowly as the board shake I fell off a couple time the water was kinda cold but not much the water was light blue and shiner than every me and Eve and Delilah connected our boards together and talked I didn’t want to leave the water it was that nice wen we had to leave the paddle boarding. It was sad but then was many more active to do my second favourite active was rock climbing because then were to side one was the easy side was the green and yellow one the red and blue was a challenging one but I got half way some people got to the top on the yellow and green one I got half way there was a time limit one minute and third sec it was so fun and my last but not least favourite active was crate climbing because there were three jobs one was the donkey they had to pull you up when you climb one crate and the anther job was building and there was a person that climb the crates how you explain how to do it is they is a builder right the builder builds up crates for the person climbing the crates and the donkey has the go backwards when your going up the crates when your going down you wait in the air for a little and when all the crates and cleared out the way and the people knock you down when your ready this is one of many activity so I hope you in joyed the stuff that I enjoyed.
Oliver McCormick
We went to camp on Monday the eighteenth of November. Only the year four five and six went. When we got there, one of the staff gave us an induction, where they told us about the camp. After that, we went to our dormitory, where we put all of our stuff and picked a bunk bed.
After we made our beds and unpacked, we went outside to do our first activity. When we got outside we saw a lot of kangaroos!
We also saw pool!
Our first activity was team development, which was basically team games. My favourite game was a game called tanks. To play the game, you had to have three people in a team.
There was a big rope circle on the ground, which was the battle field. We had to wear blindfolds so no one would cheat. The person wearing the blindfold was the tank, and there was about six dodge balls in the rope circle.
Two of the people would navigate their tank to try and grab the balls, and throw them at the other people to get them out. The last tank standing was the winner.
After that we had afternoon tea. We had apples and muesli bars; the apples were a bit bruised and soggy but the muesli bar was pretty good.
After that, we had a short walk along side the road to the beach, were we would have raft building.
When we finally got there, there was six giant barrels, and long thick coils of rope On the sand. Next to that, there was about sixteen planks of wood, some cut in half, some whole.
When we got there we split ourselves into two groups. We had to build a raft .then once we finished building our raft, we got to test it!
As we come to the end of our Term 4 Science unit about the transfer of light, we begin to explore how scientific developments in this area affect people's lives and help solve problems. This week we made periscopes using mirrors and cardboard tubes. This required us to draw on our understandings about how light is necessary to see and how it is reflected off different surfaces at different angles. Here are some pictures of the process.
Mary Valley Blue Light Dance Party
Who For: Children Aged 8yrs to 15yrs (High school ID required)
When: Friday 22nd November, 2024 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Where: Kandanga Community Hall, Main Street Kandanga
Cost: $5.00 per attendee — bring some change or small notes for entry and buying treats at Canteen.
Dancing, Games, Fun, door prizes, food & drinks, and Music - cannot wait to see you all.
Volunteers include uniformed Police Officers and adults who all hold Blue Cards.
All children attending must be signed in by an adult and a contact recorded.
Children MUST be collected from the door by an adult at the conclusion of the disco.
Mobile phones are not permitted in order to protect attendees from unwanted publication of their image however, all volunteers have mobile phone access for emergencies.